Saturday, October 10, 2009

Worldview Fragment: everything is political

Worldview fragment: one or more related ideas/viewpoints that can (and often do) serve as a component or flavor in a complete worldview held by some specific individual. The "fragment" term is not intended to be a subtle insult, but to accurately reflect the reality that the fragment is 1) not necessarily an actual, comprehensive worldview, and 2) could likely coexist with a variety of other fragments within some individual's worldview. A puzzle piece isn't worthless because it's a puzzle piece.

Few habits are more tiresome than relating every subject to politics. I'm fine with people expressing their political opinions, especially when politics is the topic under discussion. But it bothers me that some seem so steeped and invested in a worldview in which a ruthless battle is constantly raging: "It's us versus them! We're under siege! If you talk like that, then you must be one of them! How dare you question that and consider yourself one of us!"

More in general, I bristle when people appear to believe that politics and (sub-)culture and religion and morality must be intermixed and interdependent. It's ignorant and/or incurious to not ever consider that the pieces could fit together in myriad combinations. It leads to assumptions such as, "If you make moral decision X then your politics must be Y", or "If your politics is Q then your culture must be Z." People who seem similar on one dimension could hold much different opinions in the second, and people who seem dissimilar could agree on many things.

The basic problem in equating personal characteristics that are only indirectly related is that it leads to stereotypes and preconceptions, which are more likely to divide people and incite hate than to unite people and promote love. When a worldview separates people by a prevailing animosity, political or otherwise, there's little hope for reconciliation. Demonizing is demons' work.

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